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이번엔 Compare and Contrast 에세이로 돌아왔습니다! 관련 에세이를 쓰고 계시다면 참고해 보세요~ :)



 If South Koreans are asked to choose the country most similar to Korea, nine will pick Japan. Korea and Japan are close neighbors between the East Sea and share East Asian cultures under the influence of China. Also, the lifestyle is similar, such as eating rice as a main dish and taking off shoes when entering the room. Perhaps that is why most Koreans and Japanese do not feel much inconvenience and adapt well when traveling to each other's countries. However, just as twins feel different from each other, the difference between the two countries seems more prominent. While Korea has a dynamic social culture represented by the slogan, "Dynamic Korea, " Japan tends to keep the existing one firmly. The contrast between "Dynamic Korea" and "Solid Japan" can be confirmed through the following examples.


 First, the significant difference between Korea and Japan is revealed from an occupational aspect. Combined with the aftereffects of the IMF economic crisis and the free spirit of the younger generation, Koreans constantly change their jobs and open new stores. According to OECD Employment Outlook, Korea's turnover rate is more than twice as high as Japan's every year. It is undeniable that a low salary and welfare are the main influences, but there are several other factors, such as 37.9% of job turnover due to aptitude and anxiety about the future, according to statistics on a job website(Jang, 2015). On the other hand, in Japan, the permanent employment policy was enforced by the Allied Forces after the world war. Since then, the majority of the people have preferred life-Long jobs as the country has achieved tremendous economic growth. As another example, lifelong stores that can be seen on the streets represented by "Shi-ni-se culture" show the solid characteristics of Japan.


 Next, there is a considerable difference between the two countries accepting technology. Korea is a world- recognized digital powerhouse, and their society is rapidly automating and digitizing with advanced technology. All tasks can be handled with digital devices; everything from payment, delivery services, and documents at work can be done with a smartphone in Korea. On the other hand, the Japanese are usually opposed to digitalization and are willing to stick to analog. It is surprising to hear that Japan's Administrative Reform Minister Taro Kono announced a policy to ban public servants from using fax machines, which met with much opposition. Even while working from home due to COVID-19, it is pointed out that the office workers still have to go to their workplaces for stamp approval. It is in contrast to Korea, where fax machines cannot be found.


 Lastly, differences between the two countries are also found in science and technology research. Researchers in Korea are sensitive to trends. When a new field of research emerges, they are eager to catch up so as not to fall behind. Therefore, Korea has achieved a world-class manufacturing industry, including shipbuilding, batteries, and semiconductors. However, Japan is ahead in basic science, where results only appear after long-term research. Japan is incomparable in basic science, with 25 Nobel Prize winners, while Korea has none. Even in research, the tendencies of the two countries are different.


 In conclusion, Korea is dynamic, and Japan is conservative in terms of occupation, technology acceptance, and research tendencies. It is not that one country is superior, but rather that the above differences were found in the general tendencies of each country. Each country has its pros and cons, so it is better to take advantage of the other country if there is anything to learn.



장진숙. (2015.07.28). 직장인 이직 이유 1위 "회사에 실망해서". 데이터솜. URL:

